Medical Journals Mostly Discouraging

Part VII
Personal evaluation of one’s hearing is incredibly difficult. If I had known I suffered from SSHL, I would have run to the emergency room, demanded the corticosteroid protocol, and hoped for results. On 27 March 2014 I had my 2nd appointment with the otolaryngologist and audiologist. I read on the Head and Neck academy Clinical Practice Guidelines that a corticosteroid response could take up to six months, but I had a hearing test anyway. The frustration of straining to understand the simple 2 syllable words like doorbell, baseball, and ice cream in a soundproof room became stressful. I asked the audiologist what I should do if I could not understand, and got the response, “Guess.”

In one week my speech discrimination score improved from 60% to 90%, so I heard some progress. The pure tone score remained low with a PTA of 40 dB. The painful intratympanic injects seemed to work! I may not be recovering my natural hearing potential, but I could least have a usable disabled ear. The otolaryngologist expressed incredulity on my supposed progress as he had never seen any change after 1 week. His reservations were justified, and after all these events, there is no scientific studies that definitively shows the corticosteroid therapy does anything more than placebo. The most promising therapy might have been Constraint-Induced Sound Therapy or simply a 75 mg dose of zinc twice a day, but I endured a perforated eardrum in any effort to improve hearing.

The most disheartening academic paper I read concluded unless hearing could be reestablished to a ear differential of under 10 dB, which is hardly a whisper, the ability of the brain to integrate the two ear signals into a cogent sound field would fail, and I would live with two independent ears. I could hear naturally through the right ear, and get sound related information from the left, but it would sound so different, it would take much effort to do anything with the extra left ear information. My left ear with a 50dB loss would never work to together with the right to form a stereo pair, but just two monophonic instruments. If I could get the left ear signal tangible, I would at least eliminate a head shadow.

Telling the End of the Story First

Like any good tale, sometimes the destination or perhaps the journey where lies the adventure. I have some important pulsatile tinnitus information, that could not wait for the story installments.

I’ve been suffering from pulsatile tinnitus for around a year. My one year anniversary just passed on 8 February 2015. Problems of the brain, nerves, ears, and perception are complicated. I’ve been kicked from various curbs of medical departments: internal medicine, otolaryngology, audiology, and psychiatry. None have been able to proffer suggestions much less treatments for my ailments. The ringing continues unabated.

Sounds very miserable, and just in the last 45 have I have been suffering from a linkage to the tinnitus: insomnia. No medical solutions to that either. I’ve had to forage for my own answers. Last week I became an advocate for myself, and hopefully for the next sudden sensorineural hearing loss victim. We are a small group but we don’t get an “ice bucket challenge.” We suffer in silence, but I choose to not “surrender to the silence.”

I found an inexpensive therapy which silences or masks the tinnitus, but also maintaining the little hearing I have on my left side. My hearing center and Phonak audiologist programmed my instrument together. After the adjustments, I can now wear the unit 24/7, which I plan to do to help in sleeping. I even made my very 1st phone call yesterday, using exclusively my left ear!

A much more detailed analysis of my hearing regiment to follow, but as a summary: Back in December 2014, I got a pair of over-ear headphones in another attempt to silence the tinnitus. My hearing damage makes traditional amplification impractical, as the audio becomes loud, certain frequencies that I do respond normally above 6,000 Hz strain the ear and they start to hurt. I need selective amplification over a wide 70dB cookie-bite range. The Phonak WhistleBlock feature failed when cupped inside an external headphone. I tried a NOiZFREE induction headphone. This worked well, but if I turned my head it would loose contact with the telecoil, and I would loose the signal. A consistent volume also proved troublesome, since I could not alway hit the sweet spot on the hearing aid.

I remembered the wireless Phonak solutions, the ComPilot series, which work with the Spice and now Venture lines of hearing instruments. My hearing center currently only offers the Spice platform, so I decided to spend a little more to give it try. My favorite tinnitus mask is a very low volume DJ Hardwell EDM. His mixes go for hours, so there is alway variety. I want to try Apple Logic Pro X drum loops, but that may be as mind numbing as the natural pulsatile tinnitus. Listening the electronic dance music (EDM) signal, it completely masks the tinnitus. I am using an ancient Apple iPod Touch via bluetooth to feed the tinnitus signal to the Phonak ComPilot. The ComPilot currently runs for 11 hours between charges, so that gives my brain a rest.

The theory is after a time, the stimulus will not be necessary, but as of now it’s refreshing to not hear anything, or at the very least a recognizable tune.

Needles of Sound in the Ear

Part III
After seeing my audiogram, I instantly recognized that the pulsitile tinnitus could not be my main problem, but a symptom of something greater. What could come next? Internet searches on hearing loss and tinnitus brought up a myriad of responses from quack cures, health related bulletin boards, and medical journals. I would spend the next two weeks concentrating on the other note scribbled on the audiogram form, “SHL.”

The tears started to flow spontaneously, as one of my great joys in life was the phenomenon of hearing, especially surround and stereo sound mixes. I had purchased hundreds of libraries of sounds recorded to Compact Disc, Apple iTunes, Music, and Google Play tracks. I had dual sophisticated 2.1 and 5.1 channel home theaters with Nakamichi and Yamaha Receivers with Vandersteen and all identical JBL speakers, including the surrounds. I had conditioned AC power and speaker cables the size of bananas with perfect copper single crystal conductors. I only ripped my CD library to the highest bitrate possible MP3 or AAC files, since I could hear the difference between the compressed format and original. I did not make it out to the symphony that often, but when I did, I relished in the instruments creating sound without amplification. I would consider myself a sound snob.

I stopped listening to CD’s, the radio, traveling in crowds, visiting stores with canned music soundtracks, and sought the silence of my crawlspace. In the 22″ cramped cold space between the ground and the raised floor, all I could hear was my damn brain’s gushing blood flow through who knows what artery or vein. I was alone in my own personal maelstrom, with no one to share its agony.

The audiologist referred me to see an otolaryngologist, to see if my problem could be medically related. My appointment would not be for another week. I now had some information, and all the possible illnesses were not good but included Ménière’s disease, acoustic neuroma, or hereditary deafness. I needed more information, and surely our advanced medical arsenal would proffer a solution.

Struggling with Cures

Part II
On 12 February 2014, just four days after experiencing the most surreal sounding pulsing noise, after a physical examination, I got the referred to the Otolaryngology Department as a new walk in patient suffering from hearing loss. I immediately called the department, but at the time I did not know the extent of my illness, and my appointment at this busy practice would be in four weeks, on 12 March 2014 with the audiologist. I did not have the faculty to insist that this was an hearing emergency, and any hope of effective treatment needed hours not days to initiate. What hindsight gives to a complex medical problem!

While I waited to see the audiologist I tried pseudoephedrine, zinc lozenges, hydrogen peroxide to clean the ear wax, curanderos to rid me of the mal aire, and prayer, but the pounding sound continued unencumbered. My neighbors, friends, and family could not comprehend what I was going through. Some thought I must be making up a story, must feel dizzy, or just lazy, as my home construction project floundered, while I could not concentrate as the sound permeated my intellect. I finished the rough plumbing on my addition, slithering under a 1950’s WWII era crawlspace connecting water supply lines to my addition.

Family birthday parties came and went along with scheduled Church Services and public plays and dramas. Folk medicine failed to show any improvement. Finally my appointment with the audiologist arrived, and I tried my best to distinguish the pure tone test frequencies of air and bone conduction sounds. After a 20 minute exam of hearing, word recognition, tympanic response, and ancillary questions I got my audiogram. It showed what I did not expect: moderate to severe hearing loss in the left ear in a characteristic cookie-bite pattern, while the right ear stayed completely normal.